
Sunday, March 31, 2013

Sport is Diet

If it is the intention of losing weight, there are many ways of doing this. No need to bother that. Many of why the activities are cheap and close to the activity of our day-to-day. Of note, in principle, to lose weight the body must make the process of burning fat and calories.

The process of burning fat and calories can happen if we do physical activity. Sport is one of the effective physical activity burns calories and fat in the body. Exercise done routinely and regularly will certainly make weight loss takes place effectively and quickly.

This not only helps you lose weight only, physical activity can also make the body more healthy and fit. Fat deposits in the body can lead to diseases such as stroke or heart disease. By exercising body fat is lost, slimmer body, diseases away and also the body becomes more fit.

But sometimes we find it difficult to perform physical activities like sports. The reason is manifold. Could be our favorite sport requires the involvement of many people such as futsal. It took many people to do so. You need to go to the location and provide a special time for futsal with friends. The condition is not met, the exercise was canceled.
For these reasons, it is often argued can not do physical activity. Making it difficult to lose weight. In fact, all around us is a lot of physical activity you can do with ease. For example, doing household tasks such as sweeping or mopping the floor.

However, you definitely want to sport the most effective process to weight loss is rapid. What is sport? Here's the explanation:

1. Cardio
Exercise or cardio exercise be the most recommended by the experts to lose weight. By doing cardio exercise for 30 minutes every day, your heart will be healthy since beating fast. Because of that, the process of burning fat and calories occurs with a maximum and finally able to lose weight. Here's a simple cardio exercise but it is very good and effective:
a. walking
b. running
c. Cycling
d. swimming

2. Lifting Weights
Exercise lifting weights will be very effective for weight loss. But it is not advisable to do each exercise session. Why? Lifting weights regularly can actually make some parts of the body swell. So, for weight loss, weight training can be done 1-2 times a week.

3. yoga
Yoga is also recommended as one of the most effective exercise to burn fat and calories. Other benefits, yoga also gives a relaxing effect. Flexibility of the body decreases as we age and that will be corrected by doing yoga. Flexibility of it's effect on the body's ability to maintain metabolic processes. Decreased flexibility of the body, the weight will be more easy to ride and will be very hard to come back down. Improved flexibility for yoga will help restore the body to its original shape.

4. Sports team
Sometimes that makes weight loss hard down is because someone lazy to exercise. One way to work around this is by doing exercises that can be performed rollicking, thus creating an exciting atmosphere. Sure, people are lazy would be excited if her friends involved and join exercise. That's what makes team sports such as volleyball, basketball, futsal, badminton team very effectively done to help you lose weight.

5. Gym at home
Gym also has been shown to make a person gain back the weight ideally with regular exercise. It's just that sometimes fitness in the gym it costs quite a lot. Many people also find it difficult to do so because it did not have the time or training places far from their homes.
But it can be overcome by doing it yourself fitness movements at home. Can and easy to do really. You simply set up fitness clothes, shoes and favorite music. Afterwards, you can do fitness movements like sit ups, push ups, squats or the other. Easy and cheap.

6. Activity with kids
Indeed, playing or doing other activities with your child can not be categorized as a sport. But the benefits of these activities to help you lose weight by burning fat and carbohydrates process is not less great. Make a game that makes you and the kids ran like a chase or hide and seek, jump like-playing trampoline or jump rope, bike ride together or play piggyback.
That way, you will indirectly exercise while playing. Relationship with the child will be close.

Fun is not it?

Related links: Acid Alkaline Diet, Fat Loss Factor

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