
Sunday, March 31, 2013

Sport is Diet

If it is the intention of losing weight, there are many ways of doing this. No need to bother that. Many of why the activities are cheap and close to the activity of our day-to-day. Of note, in principle, to lose weight the body must make the process of burning fat and calories.

The process of burning fat and calories can happen if we do physical activity. Sport is one of the effective physical activity burns calories and fat in the body. Exercise done routinely and regularly will certainly make weight loss takes place effectively and quickly.

This not only helps you lose weight only, physical activity can also make the body more healthy and fit. Fat deposits in the body can lead to diseases such as stroke or heart disease. By exercising body fat is lost, slimmer body, diseases away and also the body becomes more fit.

But sometimes we find it difficult to perform physical activities like sports. The reason is manifold. Could be our favorite sport requires the involvement of many people such as futsal. It took many people to do so. You need to go to the location and provide a special time for futsal with friends. The condition is not met, the exercise was canceled.
For these reasons, it is often argued can not do physical activity. Making it difficult to lose weight. In fact, all around us is a lot of physical activity you can do with ease. For example, doing household tasks such as sweeping or mopping the floor.

However, you definitely want to sport the most effective process to weight loss is rapid. What is sport? Here's the explanation:

1. Cardio
Exercise or cardio exercise be the most recommended by the experts to lose weight. By doing cardio exercise for 30 minutes every day, your heart will be healthy since beating fast. Because of that, the process of burning fat and calories occurs with a maximum and finally able to lose weight. Here's a simple cardio exercise but it is very good and effective:
a. walking
b. running
c. Cycling
d. swimming

2. Lifting Weights
Exercise lifting weights will be very effective for weight loss. But it is not advisable to do each exercise session. Why? Lifting weights regularly can actually make some parts of the body swell. So, for weight loss, weight training can be done 1-2 times a week.

3. yoga
Yoga is also recommended as one of the most effective exercise to burn fat and calories. Other benefits, yoga also gives a relaxing effect. Flexibility of the body decreases as we age and that will be corrected by doing yoga. Flexibility of it's effect on the body's ability to maintain metabolic processes. Decreased flexibility of the body, the weight will be more easy to ride and will be very hard to come back down. Improved flexibility for yoga will help restore the body to its original shape.

4. Sports team
Sometimes that makes weight loss hard down is because someone lazy to exercise. One way to work around this is by doing exercises that can be performed rollicking, thus creating an exciting atmosphere. Sure, people are lazy would be excited if her friends involved and join exercise. That's what makes team sports such as volleyball, basketball, futsal, badminton team very effectively done to help you lose weight.

5. Gym at home
Gym also has been shown to make a person gain back the weight ideally with regular exercise. It's just that sometimes fitness in the gym it costs quite a lot. Many people also find it difficult to do so because it did not have the time or training places far from their homes.
But it can be overcome by doing it yourself fitness movements at home. Can and easy to do really. You simply set up fitness clothes, shoes and favorite music. Afterwards, you can do fitness movements like sit ups, push ups, squats or the other. Easy and cheap.

6. Activity with kids
Indeed, playing or doing other activities with your child can not be categorized as a sport. But the benefits of these activities to help you lose weight by burning fat and carbohydrates process is not less great. Make a game that makes you and the kids ran like a chase or hide and seek, jump like-playing trampoline or jump rope, bike ride together or play piggyback.
That way, you will indirectly exercise while playing. Relationship with the child will be close.

Fun is not it?

Related links: Acid Alkaline Diet, Fat Loss Factor

Thursday, March 28, 2013


Hypertension is generally defined as a systolic blood pressure greater than 140 mmHg and a diastolic pressure greater than 90 mmHg. Human blood pressure naturally fluctuates throughout the day. High blood pressure is a problem only when the blood pressure is persistent. Blood pressure makes the circulatory system and organs that receive blood supply (including the heart and brain) becomes strained (Palmer, 2005).

According to the WHO limit of normal blood pressure is 120-140 mmHg systolic and 80-90 mmHg diastolic pressure. A person suffering from hypertension when blood pressure > 140/90 mmHg. Meanwhile, according to JNC VII 2003 blood pressure in adults aged over 18 years are classified stage I hypertension when sistoliknya pressure 140-159 mmHg and diastolic pressure of 90-99 mm Hg were classified with hypertension stage II when the pressure over 160 mmHg sistoliknya and diastolic over 100 mmHg, whereas hypertension stage III when the pressure over 180 mmHg sistoliknya 21 and diastolic pressure over 116 mmHg. Hypertension in the elderly is defined as a systolic pressure of 160 mmHg and a diastolic pressure of 90 mmHg (Smeltzer, 2001).

A. Clinical Manifestations
The clinical manifestations of hypertension is generally divided into (Rokhaeni, 2001)

1. No symptoms

There are no specific symptoms that can be associated with increased blood pressure, in addition to the determination of arterial pressure checked by a doctor. This means that arterial hypertension will never diagnosed when arterial pressure was not measured.

2. Symptoms commonly

It is often said that the common symptoms that accompany hypertension include headache and fatigue. In fact this is a common phenomenon that the majority of patients who seek medical help.

The clinical manifestations of hypertension in the elderly in general are: Headache, nose bleeding, Vertigo, Nausea vomiting, vision changes, Tingling in the feet and hands, shortness of breath, seizures or coma, chest pain (Smeltzer, 2001).

High blood pressure is a disorder "long life" but sufferers can live a normal life like everyone healthy as long as it is able to control their blood pressure well. On the other hand, people who are young and healthy should always monitor his blood pressure, at least once a year.
Especially for those who have hypertension trigger factors such as being overweight, diabetic, have heart disease, there is a family history of high blood pressure, pregnant women taking the contraceptive pill, smokers and people who never revealed his blood pressure was a little high. If hypertension is known earlier, the control can be done immediately.

B. Hypertension Risk Factors
The age factor is very influential on hypertension. As age increases, the higher the risk of hypertension. The incidence of hypertension increased with increasing age. This is often caused by natural changes in the body that affect the heart, blood vessels and hormones. Hypertension in aged less than 35 years will increase the incidence of coronary artery disease and premature death (Julianti, 2005).

Family history is also a problem that triggers the problem of hypertension. Hypertension tends to be a hereditary disease. If one of the parents had a history of hypertension throughout life then we have a 25% chance of hypertension (Astawan, 2002). Salt is a factor in the pathogenesis of hypertension.
Hypertension is almost never found in ethnic groups with a minimum of salt intake. Salt intake of less than 3 grams per day led to lower hypertension. If salt intake is between 5-15 grams per day, the prevalence of hypertension increased to 15-20%. The effect of salt intake on the incidence of hypertension terjadai through increased plasma volume, cardiac output and blood pressure (Basha, 2004).

Salt contains 40% sodium and 60% chloride. People who are sensitive sodium increase sodium more easily, leading to fluid retention and increased blood pressure (Sheps, 2000). Salt is closely linked to high blood pressure. Vascular disorders is hardly found in tribal low salt intake. If salt intake is less than 3 grams a day presentation hypertension prevalence is low, but if the salt intake of 5-15 grams per day, will increase the prevalence of 15-20% (Wiryowidagdo, 2004). 

The salt has a water holding properties. Consuming more salt or eating food marinated in itself will raise blood pressure. Avoid excessive use of salt or salty foods. This does not mean stopping the use of salt in the diet altogether. Instead the amount of salt consumed is limited (Wijayakusuma, 2000).

Smoking is one of the factors that can be changed, while the relationship of smoking with hypertension is nicotine. Nicotine will cause an increase in blood pressure because the nicotine is absorbed in the small blood vessels of the lungs and circulated by the blood vessels to the brain, the brain reacts to nicotine by way signals the adrenal glands to release epinephrine (adrenaline). This powerful hormone that constricts blood vessels and forces the heart to work harder because the pressure is higher. In addition, the carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke replaces oxygen in the blood. This would lead to blood pressures as the heart is forced to pump enough oxygen to enter into the organs and tissues (Astawan, 2002).

Activities greatly affects the occurrence of hypertension, in which the person will tend to have high activity heart rate is higher. So that the heart muscle has to work harder at each contraction. The more violent and frequent pumping of the heart muscle, the greater the pressure imposed on the arterial (Amir, 2002).

Stress is an issue that is closely trigger hypertension. The relationship between stress and hypertension presumably through an increase in sympathetic nerve activity can raise blood pressure intermittently (erratic). Chronic stress can lead to high blood pressure settled. Although this has not been proven but the incidence is higher in urban than in rural areas. This can be attributed to the influence of stress experienced by the people living in the city (Dunitz, 2001).

C. How The Management of Hypertension
To cope with hypertension can be done by:
1) Reduce the consumption of salt and saturated fat,
2) Exercise regularly and dynamic (which is not too much exertion) such as swimming, jogging, brisk walking and cycling,
3) Stopping smoking,
4) Maintain the stability of weight, avoiding overweight and obesity.
5) Keep and avoid stress with religious and spiritual approach as one of its efforts.

D. Complications of Hypertension
Stroke can result from high pressure bleeding in the brain, or due to an embolus that apart from non brain vessels exposed high pressure. Stroke can occur in chronic hypertension when the arteries that supply blood to the brain undergoes hypertrophy and thicken, so that blood flow is reduced. Arteries of the brain that had weakened so that atherosclerosis may increase the likelihood of aneurysm formation (Corwin, 2000).
Symptoms of stroke include headache suddenly, like, people are confused, bewildered or behave like a drunk, one part of the body feels weak or difficult to be moved (eg, face, mouth, or a stiff arm, can not speak clearly) and sudden unconsciousness (Santoso, 2006).

Complications of hypertension can also lead to kidney failure and heart failure.

I hope this information is useful and makes us more aware of hypertension.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Breaking the Diet Myths

In the book The Miracle of Enzyme, Prof. Hiromi Shinya diet deconstruct myths that have been rooted in the community. Of the many records of food that is not recommended, Prof. Shinya more emphasis on milk and all its derivatives, such as yogurt, cheese, and whatever material is dominant milk. Almost in all the chapters, there is always a discussion that the milk was not well taken.

On page 41, Prof. Shinya recorded myths wrong. First, eat yogurt every day to improve digestive function. Yogurt is milk made through bacterial fermentation. Raw materials remain milk. Any milk, including soy milk. But now dominated by modern production of cow's milk.

Yogurt comes from the fermentation of milk sugar (lactose) produces lactic acid, which acts on milk protein to produce a gel-like texture and smell unique on yogurt. Drinks are usually blended with creamy vanilla or coklet. As a food made ​​from milk, Prof. Shinya definitely not recommended.

Second, drink milk every day to avoid calcium deficiency. Third, fill your daily need for vitamin supplements rather than fruit because fruit contains a lot of carbohydrates and calories. Fourth, never eat carbs like rice and bread to avoid weight gain.

Fifth, try to maintain a high protein intake. Sixth, get the fluids by drinking Japanese green tea, rich in antioxidants. Seventh, Boil tap water before drinking it to get rid of the remnants of chlorine. That is a myth that has been settled in the minds and hearts of the people. Even in the world.

Therefore, Prof. Shinya does not recommend drinking milk and eating meat derivatives and limits. In addition, he also suggested that eating mostly whole grains and vegetables. Ideal food, according to his version, 15% of animal, vegetable remaining 85% of the meat alias fields. In addition to food composition, he was also asked to pay attention to eating such techniques should be chewed 33 times and eat something delicious, so bring excitement.
Prof. Shinya then made ​​four specific suggestions. First, drink water instead of tea. Second, use the tea leaves are grown organically. Third, drink tea after a meal instead of on an empty stomach to avoid excessive pressure on the stomach lining. Fourth, limit yourself to about 2-3 cups of tea per day only. Drinking water and tea no doubt benefit. Many health experts recommend that we eat a lot.

Healthy eating recipes ala Prof. Dr. Shinya's got a lot of conformity to a healthy way of life of Prophet Muhammad. There are some teachings of the Prophet Muhammad about healthy living. First, the Prophet Muhammad taught fasting to rest the digestive tract. The Prophet said,'' shuumu tashihu'' (fasted then you will be healthy).

Second, the Prophet taught to chew food at least 33 times before swallowing. As his saying,'' I chew each mouthful of food 30-50 times, so it becomes soft and through the esophagus without difficulty. In fact, the difficult to digest foods properly, I was chewing up 70-75 times.'' If not chewed properly, some of the food will be wasted without absorption and decay occurs that produces a lot of toxins in the colon. That is spending large amounts of enzymes. Saliva is an automatic out when chewing can be either mixed with stomach acid and bile. Then the digestion process can be more smoothly.

Third, the Prophet did not reproach food. As contained in the hadith narrated by Bukhari and Muslim. From Abu Hurairah ra he said,'' the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam did not criticize the food. If he likes the food, so he ate it. If he does not like, then he left.''
Not denounce food means someone likes it and appreciate food. Happy mood when taking them. And, if his heart is glad and happy thoughts, there was a mechanism in the body that could make the enzyme-parent increases. A happy, says Prof. Shinya, will most likely have a lot of enzyme base. Curing, means providing motivation for the patient to feel completely happy.
'' If you start a cycle of happiness, the enzyme in large quantities will be produced. Enzymes are then positively stimulate the cells throughout the body. Indeed, an enzyme produced by the cycle of happiness is what is behind the screen, which activates the healing powers of a person,'' said Prof Shinya in the book.
So it makes sense that the diet should not torture yourself. It should not be making such a prisoner. Do not eat this, do not eat it, that just makes the stress. However, it should try to love food diet with a vengeance. Therefore, happiness and love will increase the body's enzyme factor. Miracles come from here. Tips Prof Shinya simple:'' Sing, laugh, and take time each day to be appreciated!''

Fourth, when the food was served in a hot state, do not be in a hurry to enjoy it. Allow food to cool down first. From the health side, the food was hot is not good for your health. And as a Muslim, the suggestion of eating cold food already given by the Prophet Muhammad, and we are obliged to comply. This tesirat in the following hadith:
Of Asma 'bint Abu Bakr radi' anha, when he makes his bread Tsarid then cover the bread with something until the heat is gone. Then he said,'' I heard the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,'' Actually it greater blessings.''
Fifth, it is no exaggeration. Prophet Muhammad said,'' Let the descendants of Adam did not fulfill his belly. Suffice it for the descendants of Adam are some foods that can enforce his loins bone. If there is no obstruction, one third (stomach) for his food, one third for his drink and one third for his breath (HR Turmudzi).
Overeating invite danger, such as indigestion, diarrhea, constipation, flatulence, obesity, gout, liver disease, hardening of the arteries, high blood pressure, heart attacks, and clots and blood clotting.
Overeating can also cause acute inflammation of the pancreas and bile, diabetes mellitus, and even kidney stones. It is true what the doctor says Arab, al-Harith ibn Kaldah,'' Stomach is a hotbed of disease, and diet (regular diet) is the main drug.''

However, lack of eating too dangerous. Among impact on stunting body, mind, anemia, weak immune system, and anemia.
By relying on the sunna of the Prophet, we get the basics right for eating and drinking. First, eat and drink in moderation. Rasulullah SAW said,'' The faithful eat the size of the intestine while infidels eating size seven intestines.
Sixth, Prohibition of alcohol and pork, all unclean meat, carrion, blood, with fangs all kinds of animals, and all kinds of birds that have claws ..
Seventh, the prohibition of eating beef, mutton, and so are classified jallaalah (animals are often consuming excrement). Ibn Umar said that the Messenger of Allah forbade jallaalah and milk produced by jallaalah. (HR Turmudzi).

Eighth, recommends eating lots of fruits. Therefore, it is much beneficial than homemade pastries. Besides being easily digested, fruits also supply nutrients that can protect the body from certain deficiencies. Prophet Muhammad said,'' The house without dates is like a house without food.'' Also narrated that the Prophet ate cucumbers with ripe palm. (Abu Dawud).
So, the key is diet, eating techniques, halal and good food (halalan thoyyiban). Therefore, halal food substance, not necessarily good for the health.

But that alone is not enough. Neither Prophet Muhammad nor Prof. Shinya strongly encourages adequate rest and exercise regularly. And, no less important than that all is life full of optimism and positive thinking. This is the example of the Prophet and the substance of the teachings of The Miracle of this enzyme. 

Please try this new diet. (*)

By My Brother Ariyanto – INDOPOS

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